Karman Line
Karman Line is an immersive VR film directed by Erjie Chen. Based on the true history of the space race between superpowers, it portrays the tragedy of an astronaut whose hopes were dashed and life sacrificed during this era.
卡门线 是一部沉浸式 VR 电影,由陈尔杰导演。影片根据超级大国之间太空竞赛的真实历史改编,讲述了一位宇航员在这一时代希望破灭、牺牲生命的悲剧故事。
Karman Line is an immersive VR film directed by Erjie Chen. Based on the true history of the space race between superpowers, it portrays the tragedy of an astronaut whose hopes were dashed and life sacrificed during this era.
卡门线 是一部沉浸式 VR 电影,由陈尔杰导演。影片根据超级大国之间太空竞赛的真实历史改编,讲述了一位宇航员在这一时代希望破灭、牺牲生命的悲剧故事。
Summer 2024
︎Unreal Engine
︎Unreal Engine