Project Norn Part I


Project Norn is a fictional confidential archive that records a scientific research and investigation in the early 20th century. In 1901, scientists discovered the remains of rockets suspected to have been used by earlier human civilisation. While the development of the rocket was going strong at the time. Later in the same year, the Federal Rocket Agency was established, all relevant information and records were classified and anonymised in history. Humans have fallen into extreme confusion, this fateful decision might echo across space and time, forcing us to face humanity's ultimate destiny.

From leaving the African continent to the space, and to the world of artificial intelligence, technological revolution has made our desire, crises and unknowns clear. We are constantly trying to escape the pull of certain “gravity”, but do we have a moment to take a breath and think about how our path of lives have been rewritten?

诺恩计划 是一个虚构的机密档案库,记录了 20 世纪初的一次科学研究和调查。1901 年,科学家发现了疑似早期人类文明使用过的火箭遗迹。当时,火箭的研发工作正如火如荼地进行着。同年晚些时候,联邦火箭局成立,所有相关信息和记录都被列为机密,匿名载入史册。人类陷入了极度的迷茫之中,这个致命的决定可能会在时空中回荡,迫使我们面对人类的终极命运。

从离开非洲大陆到步入太空,再到人工智能世界。科技革命让我们的渴望、危机和未知变得清晰可见。我们无时无刻不在试图摆脱某种 "引力 "的牵制,但我们是否有时间喘口气,思考一下我们的人生轨迹是如何被改写的?

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Winter 2023
