Project Norn Part II


Part of the follow-up files of the Project Norn were declassified in 2008. It turned out that after the discovery of the rocket wreckage, all the special investigation team members disappeared. According to the remaining positioning information, the Federal Rocket Agency sent a second advance team to investigate, and on the way they discovered a mysterious cave below the center of the wreckage. After going deep into the cave, the second advance team seemed to encounter a series of supernatural phenomena and disappeared eventually. Finally, the Federal Rocket Agency safely retrieved the videotape in the summer of 1921. The following content is from the second advance team.

2008 年,"诺恩计划 "的部分后续档案解密。原来,当年在发现火箭残骸后,特别调查小组的所有成员都失踪了。根据剩余的定位信息,联邦火箭局派出了第二支先遣队前往调查,途中他们在火箭残骸中心下方发现了一个神秘的洞穴。深入洞穴后,第二支先遣队似乎遇到了一系列超自然现象,最终消失不见。最终,联邦火箭局在 1921 年夏天安全地取回了录像带。以下内容来自第二支先遣队。

Online view: https://youtube/LV1wEX_sqkQ

Spring 2024
