Tall Wall


Tall Wall is a short animation written and directed by Bea Qian. It depicts the stories hidden underneath a smallpox epidemic. Through the CCTVs and webcams, we see the stories of the citizens in Las Nieves, a fictional city in lockdown, unfold throughout the film. The "Tall Wall" in this title implies not only the walls that lock this city up because of the smallpox outbreak, but also the disconnection between people. In this film, you will tour the intriguing world of "Tall Wall" with the unignorable presence of CCTV everywhere, the metabolic buildings that grow higher and higher, and the constant humblings of the air conditioner, as the people underneath continue to sophicate.

高墙是一部动画短片,由钱宸编剧并导演。它描述了隐藏在天花疫情下的故事。通过闭路电视和网络摄像头,我们看到了一个被封锁的虚构城市 - 拉斯尼韦斯市民的故事在影片中展开。片名中的 "高墙 "不仅意味着因天花爆发而封锁这座城市的高墙,还意味着人与人之间的隔阂。在这部影片中,你将游览 "高墙 "这个引人入胜的世界,随处可见的闭路电视、越建越高的新陈代谢大楼,以及空调不断发出的 "嗡嗡 "声,都在暗示着墙下的人们在不断地堕落。

Spring 2024


 Tall Wall - Bea Qia