Hi, this is Erjie Chen.

I‘m a Digital Creator with a passion for crafting narratives through visual communication. My expertise encompasses 3D Design, Graphic Design and Concept Art. Throughout my career, I have focused on exploring emerging forms of interaction, blending visual and sound experiences to create engaging projects. Developing content that takes people on a unique storytelling journey is something I’m always interested in undertaking.

BA Graphic and Media DesignUAL
MA Visual Communication RCA
学士 平面与媒体设计 伦敦艺术大学
硕士 视觉传达 皇家艺术学院


Utopia Variations

How might one describe Utopia, or indeed Dystopia?

Spring 2024

Project Norn Part II

Part of the follow-up files of the Project Norn were declassified in 2008. It turned out that after the discovery of the rocket wreckage, all the special investigation team members disappeared…

Spring 2024

Project Norn Part I


In 1901, scientists discovered the remains of rockets suspected to have been used by earlier human civilisation. While the development of the rocket was going strong at the time. Later in the same year, the Federal Rocket Agency was established, all relevant information and records were classified and anonymised in history. Humans have fallen into extreme confusion, this fateful decision might echo across space and time, forcing us to face humanity's ultimate destiny.
1901年,科学家发现了疑似早期人类文明使用过的火箭残骸。 当时火箭的发展势头强劲。 同年联邦火箭局成立,所有相关信息和记录在历史上都被加密并隐去。 人类陷入了极度的困惑,这个决定可能会跨越时空回荡,迫使我们面对自己的最终命运。
Winter 2023



In the fog, the contrast between light and shadow is particularly evident within the city’s dense skyscrapers. An unfinished tall building stands in the heart of the city, called the Landmark. One day a mysterious film appears above the building, which slowly falls and seals the Landmark. In the silence the Landmark is preserved as a monument for eternity until it is remembered again.
雾中城市密集的摩天大楼中光与影的对比尤为明显。 一座未完工的高层建筑矗立在城市的中心,称为地标建筑。 有一天,建筑物上方出现了一张神秘的薄膜,它慢慢落下并密封了地标建筑。 在寂静中,这座地标建筑作为一座永恒的纪念碑被保存下来,直到再次被人们想起。

Summer 2023

Do Not Answer


Four light years away, under the dominance of three irregularly moving suns, the Trisolaran Civilisation has been destroyed and reborn hundreds of times, and was forced to flee from their home planet. Deep in the Greater Khingan Mountain, the first message of humankind was launched at the speed of light into the depths of the universe. The message was eventually intercepted by the Trisolaran Civilisation, and an appalling reply was received – Do not answer!
四光年之外,在三个不规则运行的太阳的影响下,三体文明经历数百次的毁灭和重生后被迫逃离自己的母星。 大兴安岭深处,人类的第一条信息以光速发射到了宇宙深处。 信息最终被三体文明截获,人类收到了骇人听闻的回复—不要回答!
Spring 2023

Hi, this is Erjie Chen.

I‘m a Digital Creator with a passion for crafting narratives through visual communication. My expertise encompasses 3D Design, Graphic Design and Concept Art. Throughout my career, I have focused on exploring emerging forms of interaction, blending visual and sound experiences to create engaging projects. Developing content that takes people on a unique storytelling journey is something I’m always interested in undertaking.

BA Graphic and Media Design UAL
MA Visual Communication RCA
学士 平面与媒体设计 伦敦艺术大学
硕士 视觉传达 皇家艺术学院

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